Acupuncture for Healing

Calm and balanced rocks in bamboo

A Relaxed Feeling

For many people, the first acupuncture treatment is a subtle experience that results in a relaxed feeling. A typical response is, "It may just be in my mind, but I feel calm."

The session begins with information about how the client is feeling and any details he/she wishes to use to describe their condition. I take "acupuncture style" pulses that reveal the condition of the meridians that feed the body systems. All this information helps me to determine how their internal terrain is affected  so I can make a mental plan that will help orient the disordered meridians. The goal is to bring the body systems into their most efficient attunement. Once I make a mental picture of the disorder, I apply the tiny acupuncture needles and/or the gentle herbal heat of moxa.


The delicate tools

The results may bring immediate relief and I certainly try to resolve the disruptions as quickly as possible. Once the needles are inserted with a delicate application, the body uses these tiny stimulations and to begin it's transformation.  Areas of inflammation begin to subside while healing processes move in to  to begins to re-orient to heal and repair. 

If you are in the mid-coast area of Maine, I'd be thrilled to meet you. Please use this handy scheduler and insert your time.
