
Concerned for Your Safety – Part 1 

 May 10, 2022

By  Jolinda Rockett

Last Updated: September 29, 2022


I am asking people who have been trusting the experts to begin to trust their own good sense. I don’t know why it started but it quickly went too far. The amplification of the COVID 19 pandemic by questionable treatments and the assumption that we should accept a totally new, untested “vaccination” that alters our DNA is what I call “too far”.

My Concerns

Let's take a peek behind the curtain to find what has been discovered and revealed. 

 Health professionals have complied and/or colluded with a global narrative that is not concerned with our safety. In this excellent video of Dr. Sherry Tenpenny interviewed by attorney Reiner Fuellmich we learn her assessment of the pandemic and related injections. This Interview is one of hundreds conducted by the Corona Investigative Committee (Shiftung Corona Ausschuss) in Germany and is part of Session 99 (103 to date). It is very enlightening, and I urge you to view it for an overview and to understand that this blog relates to this and other warnings by concerned leaders of health care.

To view the complete ongoing testimonies, go to Session - Corona Investigative Committee 

When we were all new to COVID 19 in 2020, I became very alert. Partly because of my interest in keeping my family and myself safe, but also because I am in the business of caring for the health of others.

The CDC was publishing warnings complete with daily news briefings and they presented this communicable disease as gravely serious. Still, I searched to gather a better understanding, knowing how information for the public can be simplified and sanitized, subject to administrative "confident overreach", often with a hidden agenda.

People may say I am unjustly cynical, but my experience tells me otherwise. I briefly worked in an administrative office in a federal agency in DC where elite arrogance is the norm. Once you become familiar with their use of confident overreach you begin to easily recognize it.

When the CDC recommended routine public masking, it seemed weird to me. Was it confident overreach? What could a mask do? Normally in highly contagious situations in hospitals, surgical masks such as those being recommended are only a token safety measure taken by the staff. More important are clothing barriers and gloves, room disinfectants, etc.

I became more wary with each escalation. In general when an issue is pushed with emotion, it is best to step back and analyze. and this wasn't adding up. 

To relieve the "expected" strain on the health facilities in NYC, the Javits Center was fitted to receive the COVID overflow. The USS Comfort hospital ship was called in to treat non-COVID patients to relieve the COVID crush on the hospital system. Oddly, the overflow didn’t materialize, and these facilities went largely unused.

Of course, in hindsight, it seems that the side effects of the medications mandated and dangerous protocols were the cause of many, if not most, of the damage observed. There has been untold harm and mortality.


Jumping to the inoculations: Could anyone have anticipated such serious complications in such numbers from an inoculation? It has caused damage far above and beyond anything acceptable. There cannot be an innocent and benign reason for the massive government and media push for the public to accept these damaging and even lethal measures.

There has been a higher rate of adverse events including death, from a few months of COVID "vaccinations" than from all other vaccinations over the previous 25 years. For a clear examination please see this video of Edward Dowd.

Yet, most doctors have gone along with the narrative promoted by the CDC and WHO. There are responsible, independent doctors who gave differing but sound advice and have lost their privileges to practice medicine. It seems any messaging in any form that contradicts the worldwide push to treat COVID 19 as an existential threat, or the COVID inoculation as "safe and effective" has been silenced and punished.

Dr. Michael Yeadon gives a clear and impassioned explanation and perspective. He is an immunizations specialist and past vice-president of Pfizer. He explains how pharmaceutical companies have rolled out their narrative and the associated manipulation of the media.

We are told that the appearance of side effects of the injections are "dose dependent". The more injectables you receive, the higher the probability of experiencing symptoms, many of which can be life threatening. Please, if you have been inoculated, watch and care for your health in every way you can. In my next post "Concerned for Your Safety - Part 2" I will offer some suggestions from the experts. I entreat you to use all your available methods to support your health to prevent complications. 

My clinical experience

Most of my clients have received the inoculations. Most of those are showing changes in their pulses as read by an acupuncturist.

The pulse of a client as examined by an acupuncturist, typically feels silky and smooth and the variations that guide the treatment are subtle, However, the pulse of an inoculated person begins to feel ropy, sometimes lumpy, and is not flowing smoothly. I am worried.

Moving On

In Part 2 of "Concerned About Your Safety", I will include some suggestions to safeguard your health as much as possible. 

I suspect you will have questions and comments.  Please put your ideas here. Discussion is healthy and this is a blog about health, right?

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We are strongest and healthiest when we can freely express our heartfelt nature. For over 40 years I have focused on health, first as a nurse, then acupuncturist, and now, through coaching, I help folks find their best health. Join me as we uncover how you can be truly glorious!

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